Saturday, February 19, 2011

Will the Bieber Fever Wear Out?

Holy cow how did a 16 year old get so popular, so fast? Still one of the hottest trends on twitter, out with a 3D movie, and even on Conan's show, will this blast of fame be temporary or forever? This is what I think: 

Fad... Justin Bieber will probably not be popular once he hits his later years. I believe a lot of the reason for his popularity as a brand is that he's "cute" and brings a little success story with him. Is this sustaining? Nope. What happens when his voice matures? What will he need to do to maintain this huge streak of popularity before people get over him? I think he's just another teenage fad like Hillary Duff, but on a larger scale.

What are your thoughts? Will the Bieber fever live on? What does he need to do in the future to sustain his popularity as a music artist brand?

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