Monday, February 14, 2011

Chrysler: Imported From Detroit

When you picture a luxury car, what are the first places and who are the first people that come to mind? Surely not Eminem and Detroit right? Wait...don't judge just quite yet.

When I was sitting in my room, eating pizza, and watching this Super Bowl commercial, I was definitely moved by this commercial. There's no doubt about it that I thought the message was powerful. Then, I started wondering..did they just advertise a luxury car with Eminem and Detroit? 

After giving this some thought however, I actually think this is a great campaign. Chrysler has been in a world of hurt with bankruptcy and failure over the past couple of years, and what a great way to take a new stance into the market by showcasing their comeback. Will Chrysler be the same as it used to be? No. I think by embracing this idea of a comeback using Eminem and Detroit, Chrysler will attract a new segment of people interested in luxury cars. I believe that, granted the car isn't a piece of crap, they will attract those wealthy Americans that actually had to struggle and work hard to earn their way in life. People that might appreciate what hard work and money really comes from. Chrysler probably won't appeal to the normal luxury car owners who perhaps did not have to work as hard. Anyway, it will be interesting to see what happens with Chrysler's future.

What do you guys think of the "Imported From Detroit" campaign? I'm really interested in everybody else's opinion, especially those marketers with a little experience. 

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