Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Which Company Rocked my Socks Off in the 2011 Super Bowl?

Alright, between work, midterms, group projects, and everything else, I finally was able to sit down and take a look at the Super Bowl ads for myself. I'll go over my favorite ads as well as the ones I didn't feel were effective.

The Winner for Best Advertising Company Goes to...Drumroll
Doritos never fails to be entertaining and relevant almost every Super Bowl. Perhaps this is because their product is so simple. It's an addicting snack that almost everybody loves, so it is much easier to get wild and creative compared to other companies. What impressed me the most was that these ads were created by their biggest fans! That's awesome. Way to get your consumers involved in the greatest way possible.

And My Favorite Superbowl Ad Goes to: Volkswagen!!!!

I know, almost all of you would think it silly of me to choose the Beetle commercial over the Darth Vador one, but here's why I did. Using Star Wars in advertising is NOT original! Star Wars is frequently used, whether it be through Burger King, M&Ms, Adidas, the Droid, you name it. I loved the Star Wars Volkswagen ad because it was adorable, but from a brand effectiveness standpoint I don't think it was better than everybody else. The Beetle commercial, however, struck home for me. Being a formal Beetle owner myself, I remember feeling like I had one of the cutest, coolest cars out there. This ad brings that feeling to life, and for once, we don't have to see the car throughout the whole ad. I thought this ad was especially refreshing, fun, and still relevant.

The Most Dissapointing Ad of the Super Bowl Goes to..........E Trade

For a Super Bowl ad, this was definitely not up to par with expectations. Let's face it, that baby is not that funny anymore and the cat just made it worse. I don't think people will be flocking to E Trade anytime soon for this ad.

Um...Questionable?....Kim Kardashian and Sketchers Tone Ups

Talk about racy! What do you guys think? Does sex sell in this situation considering the supposed end benefit for Tone Ups IS a better looking body? Is Sketchers really hitting the right market? I don't think most of its target market has a trainer as they already struggle to get to the gym but that's just my thoughts.

What Do You Think? Feel Free to Agree, Dissagree, and Express Your Opinions.

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