Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Is Smart Water Being Smart? You Decide

Hello Everybody,

Since all of us students are currently in the midst of dead week, I thought I'd keep today's posting light and humorous. I saw this "viral" ad by Jennifer Aniston as a spokesperson for Smart Water yesterday and I have to admit it made me laugh. In the video, Jennifer Aniston is going to talk about Smart Water, but then realizes that she can't do that without doing crazy things to make the video go "viral". This video is a mockery of all the crazy things others have done (Children lip-sinking, Evion babies, sex appeal, the double rainbow guy, etc),  that have gone viral. Check it out!

Do you think this was the desired effect that Smart Water hoped to achieve even if it is a little off brand? What do you guys think of the video?

1 comment:

  1. I really like the concept, but I think the execution could have been a little funnier.

